Hey there, I'm Marisa; wife to John. Mother to: Manny, Christian, and Jackson. I am also the author of this blog.
Lover of Starbucks, make up, chuck taylors, flip flops, purses, music, movies, and books.

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Hey there, I'm Marisa; wife to John. Mother to: Manny, Christian, and Jackson. I am also the author of this blog. Lover of Starbucks, make up, chuck taylors, flip flops, purses, music, movies, and books. ![]() Yours Truly
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Christian's preschool sits on private property, on top of a huge hill with a super long driveway (several hundred feet I'd guess). Suffice it to say, I feel really comfortable leaving Jackson by himself in the car while I run in to grab Christian. Why do I leave Jackson in the car? For several reasons actually and I don't feel like listing them. What it all boils down to is that it's easier and I'm lazy and I feel the situation is incredibly safe. Christian's classroom has a window that faces the parking lot, and I park the car in the spot in front of that window. I lose sight of the car for about 20 seconds total. I knew there would come a day when I would be confronted about my "horrible parenting", and today was that day: I park my car in the usual spot, and a mom (who we'll refer to as Nosy Mom henceforth) parks behind me. I make my way down the steps and push the buzzer to be let in. I know Nosy Mom is behind me, so when the door pops open, I wait and hold the door open for her. I can see her staring into Jackson's window as she walks by the car. By the time she gets to me she twists around again and looks back at Jackson (who I might add is happily munching away on an incredibly unhealthy donut and listening to Christmas music...yes, Christmas music, don't judge). When she reaches me she asks while laughing (so as not to sound too confrontational), "Is there no one in your car?" I know what she's getting at but I decide to play dumb, so I respond, "Excuse me?" She replies with, "In the car with your baby? There's no one in there?" At this point I'm annoyed, and I don't hide it. I roll my eyes and say in a very "omg....please mind your own effing business" kind of way, "He'll be fine, I'll be gone less then 2 minutes." What I should have said was, "Yes, I'm hoping that in the minute-thirty seconds that I'm gone he'll be kidnapped. Hubby and I had no idea how expensive a third child would be. We need to cut back a little, and we've decided that it's the little guy who needs to be cut."
Nosy Mom gets the idea that I'm annoyed and holds her hands up, palms out, and says, "I'm sorry," all the while still chuckling her nervous chuckle. I walk away, when what I really want to do is slap her (I have a huge amount of self control....obviously).
As we're walking out of his classroom back to my chocolate-faced two year old I see Nosy Mom still clocking out her child. From my position I can see that Jackson is waiting for me happily, no worse for wear. What I really want to say to Nosy Mom is, "Oh, would you look at that, he managed to make a whole minute-thirty without self combusting." What I actually do is grab Christian by the hand and lead him out to the car, because while I'm a huge badass in my head, in reality I hate confrontation. As parents we weigh the pros and cons of any situation and make a decision that best suits our needs and wants daily. If Christian were going to any other school in any other location I most likely wouldn't leave Jackson in the car alone, even if it were only for thirty seconds. As it is, our current situation makes me feel that it is incredibly safe to do so and I will continue to do it. Just because you (general) wouldn't do the same doesn't mean that you are better then I am, or that you should confront me about it. It doesn't make you a good citizen or a better mother, it just makes you incredibly annoying.
1:56 PM
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