Hey there, I'm Marisa; wife to John. Mother to: Manny, Christian, and Jackson. I am also the author of this blog.
Lover of Starbucks, make up, chuck taylors, flip flops, purses, music, movies, and books.

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Hey there, I'm Marisa; wife to John. Mother to: Manny, Christian, and Jackson. I am also the author of this blog. Lover of Starbucks, make up, chuck taylors, flip flops, purses, music, movies, and books. ![]() Yours Truly
Friday, April 29, 2011
As said in my last blog, I was given the go ahead to ditch my walking boot at my last check up and the timing couldn't have been more perfect... Warm weather is quickly approaching Antioch (insert happy face)! It's suppose to get up into the 80s this weekend and stay warm all next week. I am so happy about this! John and I felt like we brought Daly City with us during our move, as it's been overcast and super cold here lately. We were starting to wonder if the warm weather would ever show up. ![]() And what kind of shoes are appropriate for warm weather? Flip flops (or slippers as John calls them). Unfortunately while painting my toe nails last night I got a good look at my healing left ankle and to my utmost shock and horror I noticed that I have a cankle! A friggin' CANKLE! A cankle as described by urban dictionary is, "The absence of a defined ankle on a person - whereby the calf of the leg merges directly into the foot. The calf appears to replace the ankle - hence the term 'cankle'." Now an ordinary cankle wouldn't be so bad (I might be a little depressed as this would mean that I have gained an extreme amount of weight) because normally if a person has one cankle, it means he or she has a matching set. Unfortunately, I only have one. ONE. Which means when I wear my flip flops I'll have one "normal" looking ankle and one swollen ankle. So not pretty. On top of the lack of definition from my ankle to calve on my lone left leg, my ankle is also discolored. It's friggin' purple! Bruised. Not to mention the lovely scar that adorns the left side. I have the following concerns: Will the swelling ever go down? Will the color normalize? Will I always have one fat ankle and one "normal" one? Are there any make up tricks that can camouflage the offending area? I have dreams of me walking down the street giving "whats up" head nods and finger guns to folks walking by, and them dry heaving and giving me looks of disgust and horror at my deformed left leg. ![]() Okay, not really. Yes, in the grand scheme of things me worrying about the disfigurement of my foot is completely vain and uncalled for. There are starving people in
11:09 AM
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
![]() Easter totally snuck up on me this year. The only reason I even thought about it was because we were in Target last week and I finally noticed all of the Easter eggs and baskets. I asked John when Easter Sunday was, and he told me that we had a week; nothing like waiting until the last moment. I wrote my mom the following day asking her if she had any plans. As it turns out, Easter kinda snuck up on her as well, and she didn't have anything in the works. We made plans to meet on Sunday for an egg hunt and some lunch. My mom is never one to wait, so as soon as we showed up Sunday afternoon the boys were ushered outside for the egg hunt. I had about two minutes to fish my camera out of my diaper bag and hobble outside. In retrospect I should have just filmed the whole thing. The boys were so fast! I got dizzy trying to chase after them and get photos. ![]() Unfortunately Jackson slept through the whole thing, but I know that he'll be the first one out of the door next year. Some things that have happened in the last week: 1. I had my second to last visit with my Orthopedic surgeon and was told that I could ditch the boot. I will have one more visit in two months. 2. The Bauson family is organizing their annual trip to Disneyland (code name: Reno). We'll be going for three days Father's Day weekend. We have decided to not even tell the boys about the trip until we actually leave. 3. We bought Jackson another Sophie the Giraffe. The love connection has been re-established. I now have visions of "old Sophie" making the long trek to our new house in Antioch, seeing Jackson playing with "new Sophie" and turning mean and bitter. I've seen Toy Story 3 way too many times.
8:21 AM
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
![]() PEES IN IT! um....wut? Did that just really happen? Like, really? I have no idea what to say, or even how to respond I'm so shocked. I tried to reprimand him but I started laughing, and then he started laughing. Yeah...if he does it again he's in big trouble.
11:59 AM
Saturday, April 16, 2011
![]() We had plans to take the ferry from Oakland to see the game, as it turns out the ferry doesn't arrive until just before the game starts, and it leaves just before the game ends. Seeing as how we have three children and there is no way that we could have stayed until the end of the game, we decided to drive in. Plus we wanted to stop by The Dugout to pick up some sweaters for the boys and there is no way that could have been done by the start of the game. As it turns out, I am doubly happy that we drove in. I have never been so cold in all of my life. So cold even, that I forked over the nearly $8 for a friggin' cup of hot chocolate, which happened turned frigid about five minutes after I bought it. John spoiled the boys to high heaven. It was a nice treat. They both got awesome bright orange sweaters, foam fingers, and cotton candy. Manny got used to the special treatment and started asking for everything he laid his eyes on: a corndog, a churro, his own hot chocolate. Ummmm, no buddy, this hot chocolate was eight dollars. We can share. We made it through 5 innings before my fingers felt like they were going to fall off. When we left the Giants were tied with the Dodgers. By the time we got into the car and thawed out, the Giants were ahead two runs. I only wish we could have stayed to see them beat the Dodgers. Next time :) Hopefully the next game we go is warmer than forty-five degrees.
10:14 AM
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
![]() It has been a rough, rough week here at the Bauson household. It started out on Tuesday when Jackson got severe diarrhea. We assumed it was due to his teething, as this as been his M.O. in the past. Jackson was up all night crying Tuesday night because his bout of tummy troubles and also because he had a horrible case of diaper rash. Our tried and true method of rash removal (coconut oil) wouldn't even work. We had to pick up some heavy duty Triple Paste on our way to the Giants game. Luckily this seemed to do the trick, and he is currently rash free. However, he is still blowing up diapers left and right (yes, four days later). The rest of the Bauson clan seemed to catch some sort of stomach bug the night after the Giants whooped the Dodgers (okay, so maybe not "whooped", but we still won, whatever). As soon as we unpacked the car and walked in the front door, Christian vom'd all over the floor. Fortunately John's cat-like reflexes kicked in and he was able to drag Christian to the bathroom where he continued to upchuck his dinner. Then, I joined the fray and Manny soon followed. We were a lovely bunch on Thursday, and John (once again) saved the day and came home from work to take care of all of us sickies. By Friday most of us were feeling better. Christian threw up once. Manny was still feeling a bit peaky. However, Jackson was now throwing up (not to mention he still had diarrhea). It got the the point where he couldn't keep anything down. Around midnight last night it was decided that John should take Jackson to the ER just to make sure everything was okay. It turns out that he was dehydrated. The Docs gave him some meds for the nausea (after Jackson, once again, puked all over John when the nurses gave him some pedialyte), and then had him drink several ounces of pedialyte. They waited until he had a wet diaper and then sent the boys home. Jackson has been home since 6:30 a.m. and since then has had another bottle of pedialyte and nursed twice. He has not vomited. This is not to say that we're out of the woods, but I am definitely happy that he has been able to keep some food in his stomach. I am also happy that my happy smiley baby is back. It was hard to see him in so much pain, not really knowing what was wrong, or how to fix it. I am so happy that John took him to the E.R. I am normally a "let's wait and see" kind of gal, and that was definitely not the approach to take in this situation.
10:27 AM
Monday, April 11, 2011
Last night, after another hour long fight to get Christian to go to sleep, John went to check on the boys and this is what he heard: Christian: Kuya, I'm scared, can I sleep with you? Manny: Yeah, come over here. ![]() Don't worry though...the sweetness only lasted the length of the evening. They are back to their old selves and are currently fighting over a toy. The world is right at last :)
9:05 AM
Friday, April 8, 2011
Me: Eggs, bacon/sausage, toast, banana. Manny: That's not going to work for me. O RLY? ![]() Oh, and I got the new Britney Spears CD. It's way over produced. She uses auto-tune in every single song, but you know what? I don't care. It's fun, and it helps me get off my butt and clean the kitchen. I've added it to my "it's shit, but it's fun" playlist, lol. This is me listening to the album... ![]()
9:07 AM
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
![]() (<---- omg...his feet don't even touch the ground. So flippin cute.) Manny had his first T-ball game this past Saturday. He had been to only one practice beforehand and he didn't participate. He is an extremely shy child so I was convinced that he would sit out for his first game, but was extremely proud and happy when John said he batted three times and played several positions. Here are some photos as well as a couple of videos. His second at bat: Running home.... Playing first.... Playing outfield... He has his second practice today, and he's actually looking forward to it.
10:07 AM
9:51 AM
![]() Okay, so Antioch definitely isn't as bad as I thought. Granted we haven't really been anywhere outside of our little bubble, but our bubble is great. There is a Walmart a block away if we're in a serious bind and don't feel like driving anywhere too far. There is a Target about a mile down the road, along with a Starbucks, Old Navy, and other various shops and restaurants. The house fits us perfectly. It's the right size. It has a formal living room and family room. The smaller family room has turned into the kids play area where all toys shall remain. We plan on getting an old tube tv for the smaller room so that the kids can also watch movies in there. The park behind the property is really great, although I have a feeling the boys will get tired of it pretty soon. We've been there a lot in the last week and they're already itching for a new venue. The weather has been beautiful. It has been in the low to mid seventies since the monsoon that descended a couple of weeks ago. I know it's only going to get hotter from here on out, so I'm trying to enjoy the sunshine before the heat pushes us into the air conditioned house. Now we just have to unpack everything, which is a little hard when I can't really walk on my leg. I will do a video blog of the house once everything is looking a little better.
8:44 AM
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![]() The Boys ![]() |