Hey there, I'm Marisa; wife to John. Mother to: Manny, Christian, and Jackson. I am also the author of this blog.
Lover of Starbucks, make up, chuck taylors, flip flops, purses, music, movies, and books.

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Hey there, I'm Marisa; wife to John. Mother to: Manny, Christian, and Jackson. I am also the author of this blog. Lover of Starbucks, make up, chuck taylors, flip flops, purses, music, movies, and books. ![]() Yours Truly
Friday, February 26, 2010
Today our 10 year old dog, Jake, bit Manny on the foot. Our children have a tendency to play a little rough with Jake, i.e. pulling ears/tail, poking him in the eye, trying to ride him like a horse (he's a fairly big dog, about 60lbs) and he's never shown aggression. He has growled a little bit to show displeasure if they're doing something that he particularly doesn't like, but I've never been worried to leave him alone with them. Today Jake was sleeping on the floor and both of my kids jumped on him which startled him. Jake then bit Manny on the foot and broke the skin. He didn't need stitches, but it's a pretty gnarly puncture wound. I'm at a total loss at what I should do. From the outside looking in, it's easy to say that we should get ride of him, but this dog has been a part of our family for the last 10 years. He's literally our 3rd (soon to be 4th) child. He's never shown aggression to anyone, ever. Are dogs prone to biting if they've already bitten? Or is this a one time deal? I have no idea. Manny is not afraid of Jake. He hasn't pet him or hugged him since the bite, but they were hanging out on the floor before bedtime. Ugh....I have no idea what to do. In pregnancy news, I am completely miserable...haha...at least I can laugh about it, right? I'm still puking daily which totally sucks. I seem to be fine during the day, but once 5:00 p.m. rolls around the nausea kicks in and I typically can't keep anything down other than water or tea. I have officially lost site of my feet, and can no longer fit into my non-maternity jeans. We're going to Old Navy to pick up some jeans tomorrow...woo hoo! Speaking of clothes, what the hell is up with all of the frumpy-ugly maternity clothing? When I was pregnant during the Winter I was always so jealous of the Summer preggos because they typically had really cute Spring/Summer maternity clothing. Now that I actually need Summer maternity clothing it's absolutely hideous. The only cute clothes I've been able to find are at Old Navy, but I can only buy the same shirt in so many colors before I get bored...I need variety people! My next prenatal appointment is next Friday, hopefully we'll be able to hear the heartbeat by then, but who knows. My midwife doesn't travel with a doppler, she uses a stethoscope so little bean has been to small to produce any sound. I know everything is fine but there's nothing better than hearing that little heartbeat for piece of mind :)
9:22 PM
Monday, February 8, 2010
Oh my gosh, I am in love with my midwives! Today I met with Julie and her apprentice, Natasha, for my first prenatal appointment. Most of the appointment was spent going over my medical history. The last bit of the appointment was about discussing my diet, and what we can do to try and eliminate my nausea. I feel like I'm being spoiled. I'm used to doctors appointments that last 15 minutes or less. The doctor never asks how I'm feeling, or if she does she really doesn't care, it's more of a courtesy kinda thing. Where as we spent nearly 2 hours with Julie and Natasha. They were extremely attentive and seemed really concerned about my well being. Last week I was asked to be keep a journal of my diet. Julie and Debbie want to know the kind of nutrients I get on a daily basis. I was a little nervous about doing this. I know I'm not the healthiest eater. My diet especially suffered last week because I was nauseous and vomiting for the entire week. I tried to eat healthy, but my diet consisted 90% of carbs because it was the easiest on my stomach. However, Julie and Natasha were very understanding, and said that considering how much I was suffering, I ate fairly healthy last week. I do, however, need to eat more greens and orange veggies :) The rest of my appointment consisted of checking my blood pressure and fundal height. Everything looks excellent :) One totally awesome thing is that Julie is training to be a homeopath. To help with my nausea she gave me some remedies to take (which seem to be working rather well ^-^). She also said that there are certain remedies that can help me during labor (if Julie is on call when I give birth). Other suggestions she had were to drink warm liquids: hot water, ginger tea, peppermint tea, red raspberry leaf tea (I'm currently drinking hot water and honey, working like a charm). We discussed all of my aches and pains and she had a potential remedy for all of them. When I went to see my doctors they never asked me if I was having hip pain, or heartburn. And if I did tell them, they certainly didn't give me any remedies for them. I typically got, "That's normal pregnancy pain". What kind of advice is that? All in all I am very happy, and extremely excited about the adventure that lays before us!
8:05 PM
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