Hey there, I'm Marisa; wife to John. Mother to: Manny, Christian, and Jackson. I am also the author of this blog.
Lover of Starbucks, make up, chuck taylors, flip flops, purses, music, movies, and books.

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Hey there, I'm Marisa; wife to John. Mother to: Manny, Christian, and Jackson. I am also the author of this blog. Lover of Starbucks, make up, chuck taylors, flip flops, purses, music, movies, and books. ![]() Yours Truly
Monday, October 27, 2008
Last night we finally carved our pumpkins. John carved Manny a pirate ship, and I carved Christian a bat. Below are the pictures...enjoy :) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I can't wait for Halloween! Manny is so excited. He asks once a day whether or not today is Halloween. When I tell him he has to wait a couple of more days, he looks totally depressed. John and I went through our calendar for the next couple of weeks, and our weekends are completely full until Thanksgiving!
8:20 AM
Thursday, October 23, 2008
![]() First, he has mastered the "army crawl". He still uses his head as leverage sometimes, but he has no problems getting around the house - which is GREAT for him, and not so great for me. Below is a video of him doin' his thang. I apologize for the sideways video, I thought I would be able to rotate it after filming, alas I was wrong. There is also no sound (great for those who happen to be at work) because our camera kinda sucks. Secondly, he's up to eating two solid meals a day, man does this kid LOVE to eat. He doesn't really like thinly pureed foods, he prefers a little texture. Thanks to my Grandparents I have been able to make ALL of his food. It's such a fabulous thing to do for him. I know exactly what is going into all of his food. I can mix and match any food that I want, and try different things that aren't sold in regular baby food (i.e. quinoa, potatoes, etc), and the added bonus? I'm saving our family a TON of money :) So far he loves anything and everything that's orange or yellow (squash, carrots, apples, pears, plums, sweet potato, etc). He's not too fond of peas or green beans. I've been trying to "hide" the peas in his apples or pears, but he totally notices. There's no way I'm giving up on these foods, it's just going to take a lot longer for him to enjoy. The only green thing he enjoys are avacado's, but those don't really have any flavor. He's still nursing (woo hoo). He has about 4 nursing sessions a day. We are also starting to give him little puffs to practice chewing, and are trying to get him to use a sippy cup - no luck yet, but I'm still trying :) ![]() He loves to mimic. Yesterday we were playing a game of matching expressions. He would smile, then I would smile. I would stick out my tongue, then he would stick out his tongue. I also noticed that if I pretended to be upset, he would become upset. It was quite interesting. Christian is extremely calm and easy going. He is an observer. When we go out he always catches the attention of strangers because he stares intently at everyone, like he's trying to figure out what they're thinking. He loves to snuggle (something Manny wasn't fond of, even at the age 7 months). He is definitely a Mommy's boy (Manny is all about Daddy). Many say that Christian has an old soul. I love this little boy so much. He has truly captured my heart. ![]() ![]()
9:25 AM
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Yesterday I was vacuuming the carpet and needed to empty the filter. Christian was in his exersaucer, and Manny was taking a nap, so I thought I'd run downstairs real quick to the garbage can....it'd only take a mili-second. The one thing I forgot was that John couldn't find his keys yesterday morning, so instead of locking the deadbolt, he locked the door knob when he left for work. We NEVER lock the door knob, b/c we don't have a key, but he didn't want to leave the door unlocked because the kiddos and myself were still asleep (he left at 6:30 a.m.). So I run downstairs, empty the filter, run back upstairs only to find the door was LOCKED. I tried to remain calm. Our house is technically two stories, but really only one (confusing, I know). Our house sits on top of our garage, as well as an inlaw (apartment) connected to the garage, so the window that was available to crawl through is about 13+ feet high. Luckily I opened the window to let in some air while I was cleaning. First, I ran downstairs to our neighbor to see if I could borrow his phone to call John (I don't know what John could do 30 minutes away without a car - he carpools - but calling him made me feel better), but he didn't pick up his phone - bah! I can feel the tears starting to build. I think to myself, it's okay Marisa, you can figure this out. I ran next door to see if our neighbors had a ladder so that I could try and crawl through the window. The good news was that our neighbor did have a ladder, the bad news was that it was about a 9-10 foot ladder. I ran to the neighbor on the other side of our house, in the hopes that they had a bigger ladder - no one was home. So we used the 10 foot ladder, it was our only option. My next door neighbor set the ladder up, scaled my house, and climbed through the window - relief! I could hear Christian crying in terror as some weird stranger entered our house. I also realized that Jake (our dog) is a HORRIBLE guard dog. He didn't bark or growl when our neighbor entered through the window. All in all, it was the most frightening 15 minutes of my LIFE thus far.
10:32 AM
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